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一些常用的英语表达 其实歪果仁觉得特别low

发布时间:2017-08-03 19:56:20作者:春喜外语来源:www.tracyclass.com浏览量:



1funny crap 废到笑


There are lots of funny crap on YouTube .

YouTube 里面有很多废到笑的影片。


2fat nerd 肥宅


I think calling people fat nerds is a type of bullying.



3steal the show 抢风头


Taylor Swift totally stole the show when she showed up at my birthday party.



4hit on a girl 撩妹


撩汉子就是hit on a boy。也可以用Pick up表达,在男女搞对象的语境下,指成功勾搭上一个异性。


5The Friendship Boat Tips over Suddenly友谊的小船说翻就翻


人生也是艰难啊 !青春的小鸟说飞就飞,刚取的人民币说没就没,好好的姑娘说胖就胖,亲情的火苗说灭就灭,刚饱的肚子说饿就饿,楼下的 WiFi 说关就关 ……

Life is so hard. The ship of love sinks suddenly, the youth of people disappears suddenly, the money just withdrawn will run out of suddenly, pretty girls put on weight suddenly, and the wifi of downstairs is turned off suddenly.


6go nuts 要疯了


相当于"go crazy"

After two days of nonstop working, our crew members went nuts.



7You're so full of yourself 你少臭美了

A: I am so handsome, right?

A: 我太帅了,对吧?

B: You’re so full of yourself. / Don’t be a smug.

B: 你少臭美了!


8keep a low profile 低调

I told my boss that I was sick, so this party is a really low-key event.

