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少儿英语口语培训外教老师Aiquim Regine Lagunay

发布时间:2019-06-16 16:19:36作者:春喜外语来源:在线英语培训浏览量:

少儿英语口语培训外教老师Aiquim Regine Lagunay





你好!我叫Aiquim Regine Lagunay。人们叫我金姆。我24岁,在菲律宾出生和长大。我在宿务的一家日本公司做了3年的ESL老师。我以前的公司给了我很大的机会来发展和提高我的教学技能以及一般的英语水平。我要认识伟大的人们,了解他们的文化,接受多样性的美。我也喜欢学习新事物。现在,我正在学习菲律宾手语,我是一名志愿者。我喜欢我正在从事的新领域,因为我看到我的聋哑学生随着时间的推移而不断进步。我热爱教学,作为一名教师,看到我的学生提高了技能,我感到纯粹的快乐和满足。我的适应能力很强,所以我会根据学生的水平调整自己的教学风格。我相信最简单的学习方法是玩得开心,所以我想


Hi! My name is Aiquim Regine Lagunay. People call me Kim. I am 24 years old and was born and raised here in The Philippines. I was working as an ESL Teacher for about 3 years in a Japanese company here in Cebu. My previous company gave me great opportunities to develop and improve my skills in teaching as well as the English language in general. I get to meet great people and learn about their culture and embrace the beauty of diversity. I also love to learn new things. Right now, I am currently learning Filipino Sign Language and I am a volunteer. I love the new field that Im working at, as I get to see my deaf-mute students improve as time goes by. I have a passion for teaching and It gives me pure happiness and satisfaction as a teacher to see my students enhance their skills. I am very adaptable, so I adjust my teaching style based on the level of my students. I believe that the easiest way to learn is to have fun, so I wan

