英语语法 | “倍数”的英语表达
It cost three times as much as I had expected. 它花的钱比我预期的多两倍。 Cats sleep twice as much as people. 猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍。 Unemployment among blacks was twice as high as that for white. 黑人的失业人数是白人的两倍。 New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. 新驾驶人所出的事故是老驾驶人的两倍。 当我们在描述物品的规格大小的时候,经常会用到倍数的表达,但是在英语中,用起来可就不是两个字这么简单了,今天小编分享两个“倍数”的英语表达,一起来看看吧!
数字 + times + the size / length / depth / height / width / quantity / amount / etc+ of +比较对象 Their house is twice the size of ours. 他们的房子是我们的两倍大。 The queen bee is twice the length of a worker bee. 蜂王的体长为工蜂的两倍。 Many are holding out for ten times the price. 许多人坚持索要10倍于该价格的价钱。 This room is twice the length of the other, but much narrower. 这个房间的长度是那个房间的两倍,但窄得多。 Concorde crosses the Atlantic at twice the speed of sound. 协和飞机以两倍于声速的速度飞越大西洋。 The soil contains 30 times the acceptable level of radioactivity. 这片土壤受到了高于标准30 倍的辐射。 Air pollution in the city had reached five times the acceptable levels. 这座城市的空气污染程度曾高达可接受标准的四倍。